Can HEPA Filters and Air Purifiers Capture the Coronavirus?

Michael Cole

Data shows face masks can protect you from the coronavirus, but how about air purifiers? How effective are HEPA air filters at capturing the coronavirus?   Can HEPA Filters Capture and Remove The Coronavirus? To answer this question, we need to first answer if HEPA filters can capture particles as small as the coronavirus. The COVID-19 coronavirus measures 0.06 – 0.14 microns in diameter. HEPA filters – the workhorse of any purifier – must remove 99.97% of particles “greater than or equal to” 0.3 microns. But the definition only mentions particles 0.3 microns and above. What about smaller particles like the coronavirus...

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What Are HEPA Filters and How Do They Work?

Michael Cole

The term “HEPA filter” can be confusing. What does HEPA stand for? What is a HEPA filter made from, and what actually makes it a HEPA filter? What Is a HEPA Filter? “HEPA” stands for “high-efficiency particulate air” (filter). It sounds complicated, but HEPA air filters are nothing fancy. They were invented back in the 1940s when scientists were developing the atomic bomb, and they’re just a mat of randomly aligned fibers, made from either glass or synthetic materials. The synthetic material used in the air filter is similar to what’s used in quick-dry T-shirts. On the other hand, fiberglass air filters...

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